Professional Knowledge
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) |
I have a strong sense of passion towards the transformative nature of ICT in educational contexts, specifically through the ICT general capability of the Australian Curriculum and its classroom applications. This has evolved in both my professional and personal practice, leading to the development of my professional learning network (PLN), including my professional twitter and blog site. I have also applied my knowledge and understanding of ICT to teaching and learning experiences for students, for example creating digital texts, using voice recording and photographic software, sharing products and taking learning further in the online domain, and using ICTs to further opportunities for learning through software, internet resources and other digital applications and devices. It is my aim to optimise my teaching approaches to professionally demonstrate AITSL graduate standard 2.6, specifically to "implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students."
The following evidence supports my professional practice in teaching and learning through ICT.
Professional Blog Post: QR codes in educationThis blog post, from my Edublog site, is an example of my intentions to adopt ICTs as a platform for sharing learning ideas in the digital arena, as well providing a sample of technologies that can be incorporated in to educational experiences and in professional development situations. This specific post discusses how QR Codes (digital barcodes) can be used in a classroom environment to expand curriculum opportunities.
Inquiry unit plan explicitly incorporating the ICT general capabilityThis unit of inquiry, developed as part of my university studies in the ICT general capability, includes my justification for how the ICTs selected and used throughout the design synthesises the three elements of the TPACK framework (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge), and how it reaches the transformative level of the SAMR model for technology integration in educational contexts.
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This work by Amelia Smart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.